Saturday, November 3, 2012

short letter. hw October 28, 2012


Dear Ms. Newman:                        

       Thanks for teaching us writing as a writer. Throughout two months study, I learned many things. The most important knowledge that I learn is how to write ELA essay. ELA essay is a kind of essential skill in college. Other knowledge that I learned includes how to write an outlines, how to read an article and so on.

During these two months, we finished the two ELA essays. I realize I am good at organize the essay and find the quotation to support. In the other hand, I also need to explain more quotation to support my argument. The biggest problem that I have is poor grammar; I cannot express my opinion clearly. In order to deal with my poor grammar, I joined the workshop in writing center to help me improve my grammar skill.

As a student, I try my best to participate the group work, but I know I did not do well enough in the group work. After class, I almost finish all homework on time. Expect this homework, because the hurricane “Sandy” came, and there was not electricity and signal. As regards papers, I think they are not too bad; I try my best to work on it. According to this information, I will give myself a final grade as B+.

Once again I want to thank you for teaching me what I learned.




Bin Lin


1 comment:

  1. I understand that not everyone could get this homework done on time because of the hurricane, so I'm still counting this as on time. I'm glad you finally got your power back.

    Group work can be hard. Think about why you have trouble with it. Maybe because of your English, or maybe because you tend to be a quiet person? Once you know why, you can work on it. Professors tend to use group work in college, so you'll get to continue to work on it.

    I'm glad you've been getting something out of the class!
